If You Lack Cybersecurity Resources, Outsource the Expertise

The cyberthreat is overwhelming in its scope, volume, and sophistication. Customers and solution providers are hard-pressed to defend against ever-present hackers. Outsourcing managed cybersecurity to the experts gives the defense a respite—and an advantage.

  • August 14, 2023 | Author: William Terdoslavich
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Hackers never quit.

They are always trying to get into a system, testing its perimeter, looking for that one weak spot that they can breach to gain entry. Vigilance is the first line of defense. If you can detect the breach when it happens, you can plug the cyber hole before the intruder can do any significant damage. The tricky question is how?

MSPs can go into the guardian business but that requires time and money. Cybersecurity experts need to be recruited and that talent is hard to find and won’t come cheap. You will have to hire and retain a team of 10-12 specialists to provide at the very least, 24/7 coverage – who also knows what they are looking at when a breach occurs to act. That may be acceptable for your garden variety cyber breach, but attacks are becoming novel and sophisticated. Chances are good they will encounter something they never saw before, which risks failure to protect the data.

If You Can’t Be a Guardian, Find One

MSPs and solution providers need not reinvent the wheel when it comes to cybersecurity. But they can offer a third-party solution to suit customer requirements. Sophos Managed Detection and Response (MDR) fills this need.

Sophos MDR maintains constant watch of a customer’s IT system and can eliminate a threat, identify the root cause, and provide guidance on stopping similar threats in the future. How the customer uses MDR is up to them. It can be “eyes-on-glass” or “hands-on keyboard.”

If “Eyes-on-Glass” is chosen, then Sophos MDR will immediately take action and notify the customer if a threat is detected. It will then be on the customer to remedy the issue, which may be fine if they have the cybersecurity resources and expertise to do the job.

A “Hands-on Keyboard” approach allows Sophos’ global security experts to access the customer system to hunt down the threat, contain it, plug the breach, and remediate the system in concert with the customer. They must plan that approach together.

How much MDR to use is up to the customer. They might have an internal security team relying on MDR to fill in on nights and weekends. They can get full-scale response from Sophos or just expert assistance making security decisions during an incident.

Cybersecurity has become so complex, so difficult, and moves so fast that most organizations simply can’t manage it effectively on their own. To better understand how to stay ahead of evolving cybersecurity challenges and make the best use of Sophos MDR for your customers, watch this video podcast from Sophos.